February 2023

All the pics from the first part of Feb. Sarah started her chess lunch club at school and I got to volunteer to help out one day. The two chess teachers are both called Mr A and they’re both fantastic!

We celebrated “Ice Cream for Breakfast Day” on the first Saturday in Feb.

Sarah loved playing rec basketball this winter as part of the LMBA (Larchmont Mamaroneck Basketball Association).

Another milestone — we signed the school form to allow Sarah to be dismissed and walk home from school by herself!

It was a good thing, too, because it came in handy when I tested positive for covid for the first time! 🙁 It was the end of a good run. Luckily the kids had just gotten their booster shots a week or two prior so they were at peak immunity and did not get it again, nor did Andrew! I was the only one sick this time around and it wasn’t that bad a case, felt like a minor cold with a low temp for 24 hours and some fatigue.

So, I was home for awhile masking. This plant in our kitchen bloomed for the first time ever, these giant dragon-like flowers.

We also celebrated Valentine’s Day! Gram and Gran-dad sent this delicious box of chocolates in an edible chocolate box.

Sarah made paper cranes to give to her class. Blaine went a little more low effort.

We went to the Rye Nature Center’s Old Fashioned Winter’s Afternoon event one weekend. Sarah got to do some archery, and everyone participated in some log sawing! It was hard work.

Sarah’s panda collection: