December 2022

On 12/3 we got to revive our tradition of enjoying the delicious drinking chocolate from Cocoa and heading to the Light Up Larchmont event at Constitution Park. We’d missed it for a few years due to the pandemic, and last year the kids were recovering from their covid shots.

The next day Sarah got to try out her new (used) ice skates at her weekly lesson. Then we took some pictures for our holiday card, and went to Tony’s to get our Christmas tree!

On 12/8 Blaine and I went to the 5th Grade Square Dance, a Chatsworth tradition. They do this every year for the incoming Kindergartners and the outgoing 5th graders. Can’t believe Blaine is getting so old!

On 12/11 I took Sarah to her end of the season soccer banquet at Beach Point Club. It was a fancy event that hasn’t happened for a few years due to covid. Sarah was awarded the “Most Improved Player” Award for her team. Way to go, Sarah!

On 12/15 Chatsworth had the winter concert with performances from the band, orchestra, and the 5th grade chorus! Blaine is in the front row, second from the left.

We also got in the holiday spirit by assembling and decorating this gingerbread house that Gram had made for us. Sarah’s friend was really excited to help out since she’d never made one before! It looked great, Blaine was especially pleased with the lamppost that he installed.