March 2022

I didn’t take a lot of pictures in March but here goes! The most noteworthy events were some special grandparent visits!!

One weekend Gram and Grand-dad came and stayed the night. We had a nice dinner and the next day Andrew took the group out for a hike, I believe. Our car only seats 5 so when we have two guests that means either Andrew or I will skip the outing! Here’s a pic from dinner on March 5.

Then a few weekends later we had another visit from Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly! I have some more pics since I was along for the outings that we made to the Bruce Museum in CT, followed by lunch at Bar Taco. And we finally took Aunt Molly to Bona Bona ice cream!

Sarah took this picture, and deliberately included her finger in the frame so that she would be in the picture, too. haha.

Not much else to report from March! We went out to dinner one night and actually ate indoors! Whoa! We went to Fuji Mountain Japanese steakhouse.

Also Sarah got very into math and kept asking for more math problems to do when she was bored, so Uncle Fran kindly sent her a workbook. This was a brief phase so I took a picture as proof that it happened.