December 2021

Here are the finished solar panels!


On 12/3 the kids got their second doses of the Pfizer vaccine, this time at a Rite-Aid in Mt Vernon.  I forgot to take a celebratory picture!  For our second “vaccine party” we got takeout from the Shake Shack in Yonkers and brought it home.  Here we are taking in the Christmas decor at the Cross County Mall while we waited for our food.

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The kids asked if the next day could be a pajama day!  Blaine was pretty tired and had a slight temp after his second shot, and spent most of the day reading on the couch.


Sarah was in better shape and helped decorate the Christmas tree.

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Later that week we went by our local chocolate shop, cocoa, and picked up our teacher gifts for the holidays.  We also enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa (really Belgian drinking chocolate) that we’d always had in the past during the tree lighting ceremony in town.  We skipped the event this year since it was the day the kids were on the couch resting from their shots.


Sarah was really into building with Keva blocks this month!  Here are some of her creations.

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In this pic she is demonstrating how one of the support columns can be removed without causing the structure to topple.


We were so happy to have Aunt Jody and Uncle John visit us for a weekend in December!  Here is an impromptu musical performance with Sarah and Jody on the piano and vocals, John on the ukulele, and Andrew on the p-bone.  They played “This Land is Your Land,” which Sarah was learning on the piano.

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On Sunday we attempted to assemble the gingerbread houses that Gram sent us!  Here’s Blaine mixing up the frosting.


We were very lucky to have Aunt Jody and Uncle John there to help us!  One house that Blaine and I were working on collapsed in on itself and did not make it.  🙂  The second one, which J&J worked on with Sarah, was a success!


Check it out!  I was very impressed with Jody’s decoration techniques, particularly the sliced gumdrops for roof shingles.


There was a small hole near the roof on one side, and Sarah suggested that it needed a ladder to access it, so Aunt Jody made it out of candy canes.


We were so happy to see Jody and John in person after more than two years since our visit to CA!  We were finally able to congratulate them in person on their wedding and new house.