Happy 75th Birthday, Mom-Mom!

We were planning a 75th birthday party for Mom-Mom on Saturday, July 24.  Then by chance the Wayne Mahoney cousins planned a surprise wedding anniversary party for their parents on July 22.  So we decided to go down early and make it to both!  We stayed at a hotel in Conshohocken for Thurs and Fri nights and while Andrew worked remotely from the hotel the kids and I spent Friday being tourists in Philadelphia!  First we reserved a tour at Independence Hall.

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Blaine had lots of questions for the park ranger after the official part of the tour was over.

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Then we went to lunch at the Independence Beer Garden.  We happened to be right by Uncle Tim’s office so he joined us for lunch.  Yum!

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During lunch we had a visit from this baby praying mantis (seen below on Aunt Jane’s hand).

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After lunch we walked a few blocks to Franklin Square for some Philadelphia-themed mini golf.  Sarah got the first hole in one of the day, which was followed by many other holes in one, hence all the pics.

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Sarah was kind of tired of it, by the end.

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The next day we got ready for the big party!  And the kids braved this stair slide!

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Andrew made two delicious whole tenderloins and a horseradish sauce for sandwiches, caprese salad, and green beans with shallots and almonds.  And I made a yellow cake with chocolate icing, and variations on chocolate/vanilla cupcakes.

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The kids enjoyed these bubble gloves, and playing in the yard.

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Mom and her siblings gathered for a fabulous photo!

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Happy Birthday, Mom!  We love you!