October 2020

Some more pics from October!  Here is a pic of Sarah at her desk at school.


We finally cleared out the giant tomato plant from the front bed.

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Our grass seed grew like crazy and now the lawn looks magnificent!

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I finally got around to giving Sarah her first home haircut!  I watched a few youtube videos and then went for it — turned out pretty well!

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One day at Sheldrake we came across this new “meditation garden” and the kids stopped on this bench to meditate.

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Outdoor dining at Smokehouse in Mamaroneck.

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Blaine in a new mask by Gram.

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Sarah lost her other top front tooth!

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Sarah’s grow panda from Aunt Jane.

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On 10/27, Sarah lost another tooth!  This one was on the lower left.  She has now lost 5 teeth, with one more wiggly one on its way out.

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