10 Year Anniversary & Turkey Mountain

On 10/2, we celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary!  When we told the kids about our wedding they were most interested in the cake, so we had to locate some pictures to show them.

weddingcake wedding

Here we are, 10 years later!  We couldn’t celebrate in a big way thanks to coronavirus, but we marked the occasion with dinner out (and al fresco) at one of Larchmont’s fanciest restaurants, Vintage Kitchen.

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The kids were along for the occasion, of course!  We haven’t had a sitter since March.

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One day Blaine declared he would like to climb Mt Everest.  We suggested that he might start with something smaller, so we looked for the nearest mountain we could find and came up with Turkey Mountain (elevation 771′, elevation gained during the hike was only 469′ though), which I guess is actually a hill.  It was a nice view!

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Also, the playground at Constitution Park in Larchmont finally opened!

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