Cape Cod 2020

We left for the Cape on 8/22 and took a slightly longer route to avoid Rhode Island, which was on Massachusett’s list of covid warning states.  We stopped for lunch at the Seafood Shanty in Buzzards Bay and I had my first lobster roll of the summer: tasty, but nothing special.

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We arrived at our rental in Eastham, near Campground beach.  Andrew cooked some dinner and then we walked down to the beach to enjoy the sunset at very low tide.  Our rental was really close to the bay side beaches and so we saw some beautiful sunsets and had a nice sea breeze.

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The next morning we had some Hole-in-One donuts for breakfast and headed back to our local beach.  The morning was so foggy it seemed like we were in an episode of Stranger Things!

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Sarah found a hermit crab shell!

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That afternoon we went to Arnold’s to play a round of minigolf.  Everyone was wearing masks and we were impressed at how safe everyone was being, especially in comparison to our trip to NJ in June.

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The house had some fun board games including Apples to Apples for kids, which Sarah really enjoyed.

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Out to watch the sunset on our second night.

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On Monday we went to the National Seashore beach, specifically Nauset Light Beach.  It was beautiful!

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That evening I had my second lobster roll when we went for dinner outside at Mac’s Market and Kitchen in Eastham.  It was delicious.

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On Tuesday we went for a whale watching trip, which we had not done since our first time on the Cape in 2017.  It was still a little boring for the kids with how long we had to ride to/from the whales, but the whale watching portion was spectacular.  We also saw some seals on the shore, and a giant pod of dolphins on our way back.

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We were sad to see the Portuguese Bakery was closed that day, so we went to the Lobster Pot for lunch and I had my top lobster roll of the trip!  Everything was perfect.

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After lunch we stopped and went to the national seashore in Provincetown, though I forgot to take any pictures!

The next day I finally painted Sarah’s nails in the morning.  She had been waiting for this all week since we ran out of time to do it before our departure as planned.

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Then we went on a beautiful hike at the Fort Hill trail.

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And played a second round of minigolf, this time at Cape Escape in Orleans.

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We bought some salt water taffy, fudge, and this giant alligator float, and headed back to the bay beach after lunch.

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That night we had dinner at Local Break; I had the fish tacos.

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On Thursday the forecast called for rain, so we went on a morning hike at Great Island trail in Wellfleet.  It ended up being somewhat difficult since a lot of the trail was through soft sand, and we climbed a very large hill for some impressive views.

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Then we went into Wellfleet for lunch at Mac’s Shack, and I passed on the lobster roll this time for sharing some dishes with Andrew.  The Wellfleet oysters were probably the best oysters I’ve ever had.

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After lunch we did a very short hike up Bearberry Hill for some more pretty views.

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We really lucked out with the rain — it started raining on the car ride back to the house, and then really started pouring after we arrived.  It rained for awhile, and then stopped briefly for enough time that we could grill and eat dinner on the porch before it started pouring again!

Friday was our last full day so we decided to split it up.  We went back to Nauset Light beach in the morning, and then went to our bay beach in the afternoon.

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That night we had our last dinner out at Arnold’s, where I got (of course) a lobster roll.


I did have the chance to have one more at Captain Scott’s Lobster Dock on the trip back the next day, but I could not resist this scallop BLT, which was amazing.


It was a wonderful trip, so refreshing to feel like it was pretty normal during covid times.  All the people and tourists were masked up and keeping distance so it felt very safe, and we were able to do everything outdoors!