Thanksgiving in Virginia

We drove down to Great Falls on Thanksgiving Day, and managed to avoid too much traffic.  Also, no one got sick!  It was a big success.  To work up an appetite we spent some time outside and the kids were very excited to discover this deer skeleton.

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For Thanksgiving dinner there were our four, Robin and Reeves, and Cam, Megan, and Marcella.  Robin prepared a delicious turkey and parsnip puree and salads, Andrew made the dressing and green beans, and Reeves made the gravy.  Megan made a pumpkin/pecan pie and a mango tart.  Blaine helped Robin make the traditional persimmon pudding.  Everything was delicious, hope I didn’t miss anything!  Before dinner, Blaine wanted to give another speech (like he did last year).

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Sarah and Marcella put together this puzzle!

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After dinner, Blaine helped Gram with the lighting of the persimmon pudding.

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And then it was time for the much-anticipated smashing of the chocolate turkey!

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The next day there was more cooking, as Blaine and Gram made yummy pancakes for breakfast.

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We took a trip to the zoo so Sarah could see the giant pandas again!

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We also saw the “maned wolf” which is unforgettable for the smell of its urine (smells like a skunk!).

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And these cheetahs!

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Back in Great Falls, the kids wanted to go back and check out the deer skeleton again with their new animal chompers they got at the zoo.

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Thank you again to Gram and Grand-dad for hosting us for Thanksgiving again this year!  We had a wonderful time!

On Saturday, we packed up and drove to Charlottesville to visit Great Grandmommy in her new apartment at the Blake.  It’s a brand new building and so beautiful with lots of neat features like a putting green in the courtyard, an outdoor tv area with fireplace, and a piano lounge and bar.

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We had a wonderful visit and were so happy to see Great Grandmommy, Aunt Jody and Uncle Dennis!