More October

On 10/14 the kids had off from school for Columbus Day so we went apple and pumpkin picking at Stuart’s Fruit Farm.  I regret allowing the kids to choose the most gigantic pumpkin they could find.

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On 10/15 we went to the Chatsworth Family Math Night, and Sarah lost her first tooth!  The bottom left incisor.  She was excited to leave it under her pillow for the tooth fairy, in the cute tooth pillow she’d just received from Uncle Peter!

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We set up the new keyboard the kids got for their birthdays.

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On 10/18 we went to Larchmont Tavern for the annual Larchmont Halloween Window Painting!

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On 10/19 we went for a fall hike.

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10/21, Blaine’s class field trip to the Larchmont Public Library.

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Moving the gazebo from Constitution Park while the park is being redone.

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Not the best picture, but here’s Sarah tending goal on her last day of soccer for the season.  Her coach said she did such a good job and was so alert and ready for the ball!

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