More April

We got back from the Bahamas in time to celebrate Easter!  Sarah drew this pic of an easter egg hunt:

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On April 24 we went to the ribbon cutting for Chatsworth’s new outdoor art classroom.  Blaine was very excited to celebrate with his wonderful art teacher, Mrs. Arango (on the right below).

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The weather was getting warmer and one day I let the kids visit Mr. Softee after school.

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It was drizzling one night and Blaine offered to take out the trash and recycling and food waste, all by himself.  He even took the trash can down to the street.

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Blaine and Sarah both signed up for T-ball this Spring.  Here’s Sarah’s team, Mr. Chimney, at one of their first games.

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On April 28 we went to another ribbon cutting, this one for the grand opening of the new playground at Turtle Park.  This is the park that we used to call the “fire truck playground” but we were happy to see that the new playground is wonderful.

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