Sarah goes to the ER, and more from April

Sarah had been complaining of a stomach ache on and off all week, so when she threw up Friday morning, 4/5, I decided to take her to the doctor.  Our pediatrician was away that day so we went to PM Pediatrics, an urgent care place in Mamaroneck.  The doctor there felt her abdomen and was concerned it was appendicitis and sent us to the ER!  Several hours later, we were sent home with a diagnosis of strep throat and constipation.  As far as ER trips go, I guess it’s not bad.  After all, Sarah walked out with her appendix intact.

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Here she is looking mostly better the next day, after a few doses of amoxicillin.

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She even felt well enough to keep her haircut appointment.

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On Sunday we relaxed at the park.

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And here are the kids celebrating Virginia’s victory in the basketball finals!

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