Sarah’s 4th Birthday

Sarah turned four on Wednesday, October 10th.  Daddy made a batch of vanilla cupcakes with chocolate buttercream for her celebration at school.  I got to join the class for cupcakes and to read a book (Sarah chose Gram’s original story, the Panda Who Went for a Spin, for the second year in a row).

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After school I took Sarah to Polpettina for a birthday lunch.

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After dinner we had another delicious Daddy-baked cake!

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Sarah was very excited about this panda-unicorn she’d asked for.

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On Friday Sarah’s multisports class moved on to t-ball!

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Then on Saturday, Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly arrived for a weekend visit.  We went out to lunch at the Larchmont Tavern.

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On Sunday morning Daddy made his final batch of cupcakes for the birthday season, and Sarah helped to decorate.  All told there were 5 batches of cupcakes and one 3-layer cake, and a whole bunch of buttercream frosting.

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We had Sarah’s birthday party on 10/14 at Creative Corner, a children’s art space here in Larchmont.  There was face painting, and the kids got to choose a wooden item to paint.  Sarah and Blaine both chose a mini fire truck.

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There was also a game of hot potato!

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Happy Birthday, Sarah!  We love you!