More July

July flew by, and now I am left with just a smattering of pictures.  One day Andrew took the kids to the transit museum in Brooklyn!

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A pic of Blaine’s camp group:

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Blaine discovered he had his first loose tooth!  Bottom right incisor, same one that came in first when he was 5 months old.

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Sarah enjoying her favorite – raspberry sorbet – at Longfords.

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At the end of July both kids came down with a nasty stomach bug.  It didn’t last long, 12-24 hours of throwing up a few times, but then it was days before they were interested in eating anything.  Blaine was home from camp for a whole week!

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One day I drove down to Wynnewood solo to pick up a table, and got to take a few pics of the work underway.

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Sarah also discovered a love of kale chips.

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