Robin and Reeves Visit, 3/15-17

Robin and Reeves came to visit last weekend and we all had a great time!

On Friday night Andrew cooked a delicious dinner:

On Saturday we went to Ivar’s on Lake Union for brunch.  Blaine enjoyed watching the boats:

Robin and Reeves brought some goodies for Blaine including two wood toys made by Andrew’s grandfather for Andrew when he was a baby:

And this beautiful coat Robin made for Blaine:

Blaine enjoyed spending time with Gram and Grand-dad!

Bonus!  Here’s a random pic from 3/11 of Blaine in an outfit from Gram:

One thought on “Robin and Reeves Visit, 3/15-17

  1. It was great to see everyone. And Andrew’s cooking was indeed fantastic. I enjoyed seeing both red items in the bonus photo: Andrew’s shirt may be the one I got him for his 33rd, although I remember not so much a plaid as a simpler grid.

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