April Roundup

Signs of spring were creeping in all month… such as this Larchmont Fire Dept boat!

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Outdoor dining!

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Hiking!  (at the Rye Nature Center)

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Chess?  I guess this was on a rainy day.  Blaine has been learning to play chess at school so Andrew brought his chess set back from VA.  Blaine seems to know the rules pretty well, and can maintain focus for about ten minutes or so, at which point the game devolves and Sarah starts swiping pieces when no one is looking.

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One day I cracked my morning egg and discovered a double yolk!  This is the first time I have ever had one!  Apparently the odds are 1 in 1000 or so.

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Sarah met a chicken at her school’s “nature” series.

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And a big tree came down across the street from us.

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Possibly my biggest parenting “fail” to date also occurred in April.  I was ordering a pizza online in advance of a date night and I let the kids play in the driveway for a few minutes because they wanted to be outside and the backyard was all muddy from some rain.  I came out a few minutes later and found that the kids had pretended to wash the car… with rocks.  :O

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Here’s a pic of a pinch pot Blaine made in his Kindergarten art class.

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Blaine’s ant farm was still kicking… well, the few ants that remained, anyway.  The ones that weren’t buried in the ant graveyard.  It’s pretty disgusting.  As of the writing of this post (5/29) we still have four ants left.

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And… here is our car detailer, Rick, attempting to remove the scratches from the kids’ recent carwash.  He was unsuccessful, but luckily our local bodyshop was able to mostly get them out with out too much effort (that is, expense).  Phew!

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