Great Falls with Gram and Grand-dad

The last leg of our Spring Break tour of Virginia was a visit with Gram and Grand-dad in Great Falls.  We arrived on 4/6 and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon outside at the playground, followed by a delicious dinner prepared by Gram.

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Grand-dad also treated us to a tasty Boulevardier cocktail.

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The next morning Blaine assisted Gram in making some delicious pancakes for breakfast.

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After that everyone went for an outing to the Air and Space museum companion facility at the Udvar-Hazy center.  I skipped the trip so that everyone would fit into our 5-seat car, and enjoyed my relaxation time at the house.  When the group returned, Gram and Grand-dad gave Andrew his birthday present: a new train set!  Everyone went down to the basement to set it up.

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We slowly added train cars, using older cars passed down in the family.

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Eventually they had it up to nine cars!  Blaine loved driving the train, and ended up playing with it for a few hours.  Sarah was nervous and did not want a turn operating the engine.

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Sarah and Gram spent some time playing the piano, instead.

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After another delicious dinner prepared by Gram, we were treated to a beautiful sunset across the open field in front of the house.  It was a stunning blend of colors that stretched across the horizon, sandwiched under a layer of clouds.

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Thank you to Gram and Grand-dad for hosting us!  We had a wonderful visit and we so loved seeing you both and spending time with you.