February 2018

Here are all the other photos from February!

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This is a dog Blaine made in the maker space in his Kindergarten class.  Note the face and the leash attached!  The dog is also named Blaine.

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One day I got to visit Blaine’s class for a #BetterTogether event.

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When Andrew got back from India he brought both kids some new lego sets, and it was Sarah’s first chance to put together some real legos all by herself!  She loved it.

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Sarah also needed some new sneakers and specifically requested this rainbow pair of “Twinkle Toes” shoes with lights that many of the other girls in her class have.

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Passports in hand for our upcoming trip to the Bahamas!!

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Making Valentines…

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And an orange chocolate bundt cake.

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Sarah was disappointed that her Jewish preschool does not celebrate St. Valentine’s Day!  So she was pleased when one of our regular crossing guards was giving out bags of Valentine’s candies.

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Here we are in Flint Park finally trying out the stomp rockets that Blaine got on his birthday!

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Then we went home and Daddy tried out his new drone!

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