Christmas 2017

We spent Christmas in PA with the Mahoneys.  We drove down on the 23rd and the kids got to work helping Uncle Fran set the table for a family dinner with Mom-Mom, Aunt Molly, Uncle Fran, Uncle Tim, Aunt Liz, and Josie, plus our four.  We were so sad to find out that Aunt Jane was sick, and wasn’t able to make it up for Christmas this year.

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It did not take long for the kids to discover that Mom-Mom had the old pinball machine repaired – “Rock”, from 1985 I believe?  I think this was the kids’ first pinball experience.

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Later, Uncle Fran read “The Night Before Christmas” to his nieces and nephew.

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And Sarah played with Uncle Tim, with the California Raisins playing in the background.  A holiday classic.

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That night we also took the Christmas card photo and decorated the tree.

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The next day was Christmas Eve, and all the Mahoney relatives gathered for the traditional bowling, luncheon, and gift grab.  In addition to those already listed, we were joined by the Hank Mahoneys (Hank, Jean, Kate, Jesse, and new 2nd cousin Gus, Sean, Clare, and Moira), and the Peter Mahoneys (Peter, Jane, and Daniel).  Aunt Jane was sorely missed.

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Daddy left bowling early to go back to Ingeborg Road and prepare a delicious lunch of filet mignon with mushroom risotto.  He also prepared a delicious Bernaise sauce for the first time ever!

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After lunch we were joined by Gus, who’d woken up from a 3-hour nap!  And we had the Mahoney gift grab.  Blaine insisted on helping open almost every gift.

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Then it was time for dessert.

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The next morning the kids slept in reasonably late and then hurried downstairs to see if Santa had found them.  He had!

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Sarah was confused about her present from Santa, until she remembered that she had, in fact, requested a “stuffed triceratops.”

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Blaine was pretty excited about his remote control fire truck.

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We had some yummy quiche that Daddy made, and then tore through the rest of the presents!

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I don’t know I managed to miss taking any other photos from Christmas Day dinner, but there were 32 place settings, I believe.  Let’s see… Mom, Mol, our 4, Tim, Liz, Josie, Fran, Alexis, Uncle Peter (12).  Then Uncle Tom, Aunt Sue, Aunt Mary K, Uncle John, Megan, Ed, Uncle Rich, Aunt Betsy, Stephen, James, Kathleen, Pete, Paul, Theresa, Kevin.  Only gets me to 27!  I know we were missing Aunt Jane and Brian.  We did get Maureen, Anthony, Rafe, and Maren for dessert so maybe that rounds it out.   Andrew made a turkey and Uncle Tom made another turkey and everyone brought many delicious sides and desserts.

The next day, Andrew took an early train back to NY for work.  Tim and Liz had off, so we hung out at Ingeborg Road in the morning and spent some brief time in the yard (it was cold!).

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We had a really peaceful evening eating leftovers and playing the freshly tuned piano.  I was pleased to discover my meager two years of lessons have not entirely left me.

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The next day was a bit of a fiasco… we tried to go to the Franklin Institute (to see the giant heart!  Blaine is a magic schoolbus fan) but the parking lot was full, and it was freezing, and there was no street parking nearby.  So, we abandoned that plan, much to Blaine’s chagrin.  We started driving in the general direction of all the historical sites, and ended up settling on the Benjamin Franklin Museum.  I recalled being there years ago with Andrew, and in particular a hilariously cheesy room where you could talk to historical figures on various phones.  Alas, the park ranger told us that was long defunct and the museum had been totally revamped only a few years prior.  It was pretty neat, with lots of screens for the kids to enjoy and even one phone-like exhibit that they were glued to.  It was small, contained, warm, and not crowded.  So, not a bad result after all.

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We did feel bad about dragging Molly along, so we went out for lunch.

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Then we all relaxed for the afternoon, and then we went out for dinner at Aronimink!  Thanks, Mom!

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Thursday morning we headed back to NY.  Thanks so much to Mom and Mol for a wonderful Christmas!

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One thought on “Christmas 2017

  1. Sally Ann, loved these pictures, every one! Your children are adorable and it is so much fun to see how they look like you and your siblings as children. Also fun to see Josie, already in on the action. I had hoped we could make an impromptu stop to say hello, but I had a cold and didn’t want to breathe on everyone. Would love to see you sometime! xox Aunt JJ

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