Blaine’s Birthday Party at the Rye Nature Center

The weeklong birthday celebration continued on Saturday, October 14, with Blaine’s birthday party at the Rye Nature Center.  The kids loved the animal presentation featuring a turtle, bearded dragon, corn snake, and guinea pig.  They especially loved when the bearded dragon gobbled up some sort of worm/grub that our naturalist, Mary, offered it.

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From there we moved outside for an apple cidering demonstration.

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Then back inside for some healthy snacks, not pictured.  And then outside for cupcakes around the campfire.  I was so distracted I forgot to get any pictures, but here’s one that a friend was able to send me.

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Then the kids got to play on the playground until their parents came to pick them up.

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Everyone survived, and Blaine had such a good time!  Phew.