Columbus Day at Stepping Stones Museum

The kids had off from school on 10/9 for Columbus Day, and Sarah was still jealous of Blaine’s trip to the MoNH the previous day, so we decided to take a drive up to Norwalk to the Stepping Stones Museum for the morning.  The kids loved the water room, of course.

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Here’s what happens when I ask the kids to say “cheese”.  Blaine turns around for a quick cheese…

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… and then quickly turns back while Sarah finally gets out her own cheese.  Sigh.

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Blaine wanted to spend the rest of the day working on his new Lego fire boat set that he got for his birthday.  I figured it would take him several days, at least, but he was so focused he really wanted to keep going the entire afternoon.

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The boat was completed by the time Daddy got home.

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