A visit from Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly

Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly arrived on 9/21 for a visit.

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On Friday, 9/22, we went to the Bronx Zoo!  The kids were particularly excited to show Aunt Molly and Mom-Mom the monorail.

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Then they wanted to ride the zoo’s shuttle train!

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Then we went to the children’s zoo.

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Back home, we enjoyed dinner that night out on the patio.

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The next day we hung around Larchmont and ran into the grand opening celebration for the reading area on Palmer.  There was a high school student reading stories to the kids and tasty food from some local restaurants.  And we got to see our mayor wield her giant scissors again!

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That night we enjoyed our dinner inside at the dining table to avoid the pesky mosquitoes which were still plaguing our backyard!

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Thanks for visiting, Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly!

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