Preschool Graduation

Sarah’s last day of school was Tuesday, 6/6.

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Blaine’s preschool graduation was the next day, 6/7.  He got all dressed up for the occasion.

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I had no idea a preschool graduation would be so well attended, or I would have gotten there early to get good seats!  As it turned out we were all the way in the back, which made it ok to stand up to take photos, at least!  Blaine is seated at the far left side of the stage.  The kids sang a number of songs they’d learned through the year, and then all received diplomas!  It was very sweet.

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Blaine took full advantage of the treats at the post-graduation event.  He made sure Sarah got her fair share, too.

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Later that day, Sarah was invited to a friend’s birthday party, so Blaine got to tag along, too.  The kids got to learn about and see some neat animals, including this albino wallaby.

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Happy graduation, Blaine!  We are so proud of you!