First half of February

Sarah sings her ABCs:

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Blaine had an appointment one Monday morning and would have been late for school anyway, so he joined us for the class at the Rye Nature Center, instead.

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He was much more into participating than Sarah.  He even showed off his knowledge of nocturnal animals.

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I bought some generic Paw Patrol valentines at the Dollar Tree, but then both kids wanted to make their own so we ended up with an elaborate multi-day art project involving watercolors, stamps, and lots of stickers.

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Another snowstorm, and another “snow panda”, though this one looks very polar-bear-ish.

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The kids loved opening their valentines from their grandparents!

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Sadly, Sarah only barely made it through her school Valentine’s Day party before getting really sick for the next few days.  Here she is conked out on the couch.

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We got a new dustbuster.

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