January Roundup

Here are my random shots from January.  Sarah was getting into hedgehogs, thanks to this adorable puppet from Uncle Peter, and a cute dress from Aunt Jody.  She even happened to wear it to school on the day the class got a visit from a real hedgehog!

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But… her favorite still remains pandas.  Can you count all the pandas in this picture?

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The answer is 6!  Too bad she wasn’t also wearing her panda socks, panda bib, and panda backpack.

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Sarah started drinking from a “big girl cup” this month, and was pretty proud of herself.  I suspect she’d already been doing it at school, but we’ve been pretty careful/lazy at home.

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We had a few birthday parties this month, all at My Gym!

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Blaine combed his own hair after this bath.

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We also focused on some home repairs this month.  We had a dryer vent company clean out the vent which has made our dryer so much more efficient!  The kids love this pic of the giant vacuum.  We had some other appliance work done, and we had an electrician install some new outlets.  Hooray!

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