
The day after Christmas was pretty low-key.  The kids played with Aunt Jane.


And then played some more outside, with Uncle Tim.

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Did some reading with Mom-Mom.


And we ate leftovers.  Well, we actually ran out of leftovers that night!  Here’s the last of it, all drenched in mustard for Aunt Molly’s dinner.  We had enough for her and the kids, so Mom-Mom, Aunt Jane and I ordered Chinese takeout.

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The next day (12/27), Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly took us to the Please Touch Museum.


The kids were excited for the carousel!  But then no one wanted to ride on a horse, just on the bench.  I tried to talk the kids into it by showing them how it was done, but to no avail.

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Here’s Sarah driving the boat that the kids loved so much last year.  Alas, the sound and movement were broken.


Sarah loved the grocery store section; meanwhile, Blaine was off with Mom-Mom enjoying the construction site area.


Here’s Sarah driving a sick boy to the hospital in an ambulance.

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After the museum we went out to lunch at the new pizza place in Wynnewood.


Later that night, Sarah and Mom-Mom practiced balancing these shape sorters on their heads.  And then Sarah tackled Mom-Mom.

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The next day we drove back to NY.  Our trip was slower this time due to some traffic, one stop for gas, and then another stop for Blaine to use the bathroom.  We were so close to home we combined that stop with picking up lunch (Shake Shack).  Here’s Sarah enjoying her hot dog starting from the middle.


The 29th was pretty quiet at home, here are the kids enjoying their new Paw Patrol puzzles from Mom-Mom.


And on the 30th we went to the Bronx Zoo to see the Madagascar exhibit.

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We also rode the bug carousel for the first time… once again the kids chose not to ride the actual bugs.  They just wanted to ride on the bench.


Twice!  Oh well, maybe next time I’ll coax one of them into riding an actual carousel horse/bug.
