
November seems to have flown by, probably due to the series of colds that we suffered through.  So, here’s one big post with all the pics I took before Thanksgiving.  Most of them are failed attempts at getting the kids to both smile for a Christmas card photo.

Here we are, excited to be out voting on election day!  Little did we know the depressing results that were coming.

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At least the kids got to enjoy a delicious chocolate croissant.

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On 11/11, Daddy took off from work and we celebrated the one year anniversary of our move back east with a trip to the Bronx Zoo (polar bear below), followed by a visit to our local pizza place for lunch, honoring our first visit there a year ago.

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And now some more random shots taken while attempting to get a Christmas card shot.

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Sarah is strangely interested in shoes and tries to talk me into wearing pairs that I never put on.  I refuse, and so eventually she just wears them around herself.  She insisted that I take this pic of her in a pair of leopard-print flats.


Blaine spent a long time working on this watercolor painting one day.


Sarah amused us by “reading” our copy of the sleep bible.


Sarah is finally warming up to the nature classes we’ve been going to on Mondays.  She still refuses to touch any live animals, but she likes the playground and she’s started enjoying the crafts.

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On to Thanksgiving!