
On Saturday, 10/29, we joined in the Larchmont “Ragamuffin Parade” down Larchmont Ave to the fire station.  This year the kids both decided they wanted to be the same things they were last year.  A firefighter and a panda!


Later that day we carved our pumpkin from Linvilla.

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Here’s a pic of Sarah on Halloween, proudly wearing her new favorite llama shirt.

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Later that night, all dressed up for trick or treating.

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We all went out together and left a bowl for trick or treaters, so it wasn’t that surprising that the first house we visited had a “help yourself” bowl on the porch.


We ended up going a block or so and then turning back and hitting the houses on the other side.  The kids both were pretty into it; Sarah even started saying “we go next house!” after each one.  Back at our house, we figure we got 40-50 trick or treaters (compared to the 455 we had last year in Seattle!).  But we still enjoyed ourselves, and even got the whole house decked out in full “Birds” attire.

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