Snow Day

We got another few inches of snow on Friday, 2/5, and the Mamaroneck schools were closed, so Blaine had the day off from preschool, as well.  We decided to make some cookies.


It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day after the brief snow, so we also went outside and built Humpty #2.


Humpty 2 had marbles for eyes, a twig for a nose, and rocks for a mouth.  He fared much better than the original Humpty because the weather took a turn the next day and got much colder for a week or two.


In the afternoon we indulged in some more delicious drinking chocolate, and we even shared some with Sarah.  She was hooked!

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Here’s another shot from 2/6 of Blaine napping on Daddy’s lap, quite possibly the first time he’s ever made the transfer inside from a car nap.
