August Roundup

Here are all the extra pics from August!  Ms Vanessa sent us these adorable pics of Blaine and his friend Lucy on the playground at school.

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Blaine’s new favorite book is Curious George.


Dr. Blaine examining his patient.


Spreading some grass seed with Daddy.

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With Mommy at a birthday party at Mt Baker beach.


Gorging on pizza once again at Serious Pie.


We tried out a new playground and Blaine loved this fire engine.


Sarah has started to enjoy the slide (she’s been going solo, feet first on her tummy), but she is not a fan of the swings.

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She loves Blaine’s cozy coupe, though.

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Sarah’s crawling a lot faster now and has figured out how to carry something while she crawls.  She started climbing up stairs the last week of August, and now she loves to go upstairs, yelling “up!” all the way.  After that she pretty quickly figured out pulling up, as well.


Here’s a video, which I particularly enjoy because it shows off her rolls in all their glory.

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It’s starting to feel like Fall around here!
