Hawaii, May 4-11

We flew from Seattle to Kona on Sunday, May 4, at around 10:30am.  Blaine refused to take a nap on the flight, but was otherwise fairly well behaved.

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We spent most of our time on one of the three beaches near our condo because Blaine just loved playing in the sand!  Here’s beach #1:IMG_2122 IMG_2125IMG_2129

We spent only a little time at the pool, but here’s one of Blaine chilling in a recliner:


Beach #2 was the beach club at Mauna Lani:

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On Wednesday, 5/7, we took a drive down to see the Place of Refuge.  Sadly, Blaine lost his breakfast on the ride down, but here we are settling in for breakfast #2:

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Then it was back to the beach for most of the rest of the vacation!


Beach #3 was at the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel.  Here’s Blaine enjoying his morning snack:

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Blaine also really loved our condo– it was almost all carpeted which made him even more confident with walking and he progressed so much over the week!  The next few pics are in a shirt Uncle Tim brought Blaine from South Africa:

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Here’s a video of Blaine walking around on the lanai:

Blaine also really worked on his balance standing in the sand, and jumping on the beds in the condo:


Mommy and Daddy went out to dinner on Tuesday and Thursday, to Brown’s Beach House and then to Merriman’s.  Blaine had a great time with his babysitter Ciana.  On Friday night we went out to dinner as a family for sushi at Monstera.  Blaine and Daddy dressed up in their Hawaiian best:

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On Saturday we had some shave ice in Kawaihae:

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And on Sunday Daddy made a delicious Mother’s Day brunch!


Blaine refused to nap again on the flight back to Seattle from Kona, which made for a rough 6 hours.  But he was just thrilled to be home and having a little snack before bed.

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We had a wonderful trip!  Lastly, here’s a bonus pic of my current baby bump:


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