June 2024

At the end of the school year the 6th grade class took a field trip to Regeneron and learned about DNA.

Also in Blaine’s science class the final project had to do with designing and building a roller coaster.

Sarah went to an intro to field hockey day at the high school which was run by the Mamaroneck HS team, who were the state champions this year! Field hockey seems like sort of an afterthought in this region (after soccer and lacrosse) so I’m impressed the team did so well.

Our dahlias started blooming!

Also in June work finally started on the new paddle tennis courts at Flint Park. My hope is that they are finished for the fall so that we can finally start a women’s paddle tennis team. Fingers crossed!

The most highly anticipated event of June was a visit from Blaine’s friend, Sami! They were in town for the last week of school and many good times were had.

Also in June a friend invited me to join her for Sarah McLachlan’s 30th anniversary tour for the Fumbling Towards Ecstasy album at Radio City Music Hall. It was a blast back to high school and made me feel nostalgic (and old). She was great! And we had yummy sushi.

Besides all that there was also a lot of packing to get ready for our big 2 week trip to Europe, which I will put in a separate post…