May 2024

May 2024 started out with a boring series of photos of various appliance problems… first we had a problem with our dishwasher so that had to be replaced. Then it was a problem with the AC. And we had to replace the brakes on our car. We’ve lived in Larchmont for almost 9 years and everything was brand new when we moved in so I guess it’s all falling apart now.

I realized I don’t take a lot of everyday pictures anymore, it’s mostly vacation pics these days. But here’s a pic of a beautiful paper flower Sarah’s friend made for her:

Also in May Sarah had a number of musical milestones. She had her first ever NYSSMA experience playing the mallets. Her adjudicator gave her perfect marks!

She also had her band concert for the year — she’s in the back right.

I took these pictures to show our beloved platform tennis courts coming down in Flint Park! Fortunately the work on the new courts is underway, though it’s tbd if they will be finished in time for this fall/winter season.

On May 17 I traveled to Denver for the first time, solo, to go to my cousin Moira’s wedding! Denver was beautiful, as was the wedding! Great time.

I stayed at a quirky boutique hotel called the Halcyon which had a “gear garage” where you could borrow bikes, skateboards, pickleball, board games, whatever… including this Piaggio!

Naturally I had to give it a try! After almost running it into a parked car I got the hang of it and sped off to meet up with Tim and Liz and kids, Fran, and cousin Tommy and his family in a nearby park. I managed to make it back to the hotel later, unscathed, and then opted to take an Uber to the wedding that night. 🙂

Later on in May Blaine had his 6th grade chorus concert. He’s pictured below in the front row, second from the left.

To end the month we took a last minute Memorial Day Weekend trip to Waterford, CT, prompted by the heat and the fact that our AC was still turned off to identify the source of a freon leak… :/

Anyway! Andrew found a nice house for us to rent (with AC!) by the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center in Waterford. We spent one nice day at the beach nearby.

The next day we went to check out the submarine museum in Groton CT. It has the Nautilus, the first nuclear powered submarine. With a first edition copy of 20,000 leagues under the sea!

Sarah particularly enjoyed the mannequins… especially the one guarding his soft serve.

After the submarine we went over to Copper Creek Mini Golf, which will henceforth be known as the hardest mini golf in the world. Check out this par 4!

To add to the intimidation factor, every hole had a spider living in it!

After our demoralizing round of mini golf we refueled with some delicious lobster rolls at Captain Scott’s Lobster Dock in New London.

Then on to ice cream at a place called Michael’s which was part of Mitchell College.

Back home in Larchmont, we missed opening day for Manor Beach but made it soon after.

Also the new Flint Park playground opened! Featuring a two story twisty slide.