March 2024 & Kiawah

Sarah’s basketball season ended and her coaches recognized her for her defensive skills.

In other news, we hit 50,000 miles on our car!

And I got to chaperone Sarah’s 4th grade class on a field trip to the zoo. So much fun! Blaine missed out on this one when he was in 4th grade due to the pandemic…

All the rest of my March pics are from our spring break trip to Kiawah, South Carolina, outside Charleston, with Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly. We met up at the Charleston airport and rented our car and drove out to Kiawah to our villa in the Kiawah Island Golf Resort. The first night we’d booked tickets for the traditional “Oyster Roast” at Mingo Point.

The villa was small but nice, with a perfect little desk in the window for Molly to do her coloring.

Thursday was a bit rainy so we checked out the resort and visited the nature center — cool turtles and even an opossum named Tammy!

We went for a delicious lunch at the Periwinkle Kitchen and that afternoon drove in to visit Charles Towne Landing, which was the site of the original colony in SC.

Back at the villa for some reading and relaxation, and Mom tested out the bikes we’d rented for our stay!

The resort had wonderful bike paths all over the island, and people also ride the bikes on the beach.

On Friday we’d reserved a kayaking trip called “EGG-streme Kayaking” which was a family easter egg hunt on kayaks! We found out when we arrived that the “eggs” were lemons and limes, which are organic and float in the water. The adults paddled and the kids had nets to scoop up the lemons and limes as we paddled. It was really fun!

The egg hunt was Blaine’s choice of activities, and in the afternoon we’d scheduled an archery lesson for Sarah and Aunt Molly. All the resort employees were great, the activities were pricy but all really well done.

In the afternoon we went to the heated resort pool.

For dinner on Friday we went out to the Cherrywood BBQ restaurant at one of the resort’s golf courses.

On Saturday we went into Charleston to see Fort Sumter in the morning. We took a boat from the aquarium to the Fort, walked around for an hour, and then took a boat back. Perfect visit! There were park rangers giving a talk on the boat so we learned a bit about the Fort’s role in the Civil War, and since it was the first tour of the day they also had a flag-raising which Blaine got to take part in.

After the tour we had lunch in Charleston at a seafood place, and then took a brief walk through the city to see the pineapple fountain and rainbow row.

On the drive back to Kiawah we stopped to see the Angel Oak, a 400-ish-year-old tree.

And that afternoon we finally got our bikes to the beach for a little ride! So much fun! Though really tough to ride into the wind.

Andrew cooked another delicious meal at our villa and we relaxed over some wine and coloring books.

Easter Sunday was our last full day and the Easter Bunny brought us a delicious treat of Krispy Kreme donuts! Yum!

We skipped the official egg hunt which looked super crowded and instead spent a relaxing afternoon at the pool.

Followed by a delicious home-cooked Easter meal by Andrew in our villa. It was a wonderful trip, and we’re so happy Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly were up for joining us, especially after so many years without taking a trip on an airplane!