October 2023

Birthdays, soccer, Halloween, and other fall activities!

The kids had a joint birthday party this year, which has not happened since 2016! They both wanted a party at 5th Dimension VR in White Plains so we decided to combine them into one party. A good time was had by all!

After many orcs were defeated by elven arrows, we adjourned into the party room for pizza and french fries, cupcakes for Sarah and ice cream cake from Bona Bona for Blaine.

Sarah and Andrew hopped into an Uber right when the party ended to get to Sarah’s soccer game on time! She was determined to show up and play, and helped her team avoid a default due to not having enough players!

That night we had a birthday dinner for Blaine (burgers?) followed by more ice cream cake and presents!

Sarah’s birthday was on Monday and we celebrated again that night with another birthday dinner (steak, probably?) and then a yellow cake with chocolate icing, and presents.

It was a rainy October, especially on the weekends! Which meant a lot of wet soccer games.

I took this pic of a particularly creepy Halloween decoration which was causing an uproar on Nextdoor — this was at a vet’s office located between two daycare centers and apparently all the children were crying at dropoff in fear of the pumpkin man. 🙂 The vet’s office left it up right through Halloween.

One night we went to a district music faculty recital at the high school and got to see all the kids’ music teachers perform!

We finally got some decent weather the weekend before Halloween so I searched the internet for a new corn maze to visit! This year we went to the Wright Family Farm in Warwick NY. It had a steep entry fee but included the corn maze and various fall activities like a giant hamster wheel and pedal cars. We had to pay extra for the apple cannons, and for the pumpkins of course.

Thumbs up on the corn maze! It was well done with two phases so you could adjust your visit. We did both and it took us about 45 minutes.

The apple cannon was an odd addition, and disturbed the peace somewhat with the regular firing of apples and occasional clang of an apple hitting the target. But it was probably the highlight of the day for the kids!

Sarah also enjoyed pushing our wagon of pumpkins back to the farm for weighing.

After we finished at the farm we stopped at a local brewery, Tin Barn, for some beer and pizza. It was a great place, and I especially enjoyed the beer called “Oh, how I’ve dreamt of taps” which referenced a bizarre animation short I haven’t seen in years.

Back in Larchmont, we carved our pumpkins and donned our costumes (dragons!) for the various parades and trick or treating.

Happy Halloween!