
Here are some photos from the first half of March 2023. Blaine and Sarah were invited to a birthday party at a new climbing place over in Yonkers called Hapik. They loved it! It was geared for children and we especially liked that all the walls had the auto-belayers so that they could climb independently without having to wait for a belayer.

Sarah hurt her wrist at a playdate and was complaining enough that we went for an xray. All was fine!

We went to see the Chatsworth musical, The Wizard of Oz Jr. This is a picture of the curtain call at the end showing the full cast — I think there were 10 Dorothys! I loved how they gave the big roles to multiple kids to give everyone a chance to have a starring moment.

Sarah’s coaches were very impressed at her improvement in basketball this winter! By the last day she was stealing the ball right and left, she even scored a basket! It might be her favorite sport now.

Sarah also had her first ever musical performance playing the violin with the 3rd Grade Orchestra. They played Hot Cross Buns, Twinkle Twinkle, and Boil Em Cabbage Down.

Sarah’s not that enthusiastic about violin, unfortunately. I think she finds it to be pretty boring because of how slowly they are progressing at school. But that’s probably because she’s still going with the piano lessons and has a head start on some of the other kids. She’s getting the biggest kick out of playing the recorder this year in music class! The teacher has a “Recorder Karate” program where you earn “belts” for playing songs of increasing difficulty. Sarah recently got her black belt and has moved onto the second levels of each color– she’s hoping to get to the final level (double black belt?) by the end of the year.

Blaine’s been taking a sculpting class on Sunday mornings which unfortunately is ending so we’ll need to find a new activity for him. Here’s a video that he made for school demonstrating a chemistry experiment: