January 2023

We welcomed in 2023 with the traditional collard greens and black eye peas!

We also went for a New Year’s Day hike at Cranberry Lake.

The kids also enjoyed this treasure trove of Ninjago legos which were handed down from a friend’s son who just started high school this year.

On the 2nd we went for another hike at the Rye Nature Center. We came upon this bag full of helium balloons that must have escaped en route to someone’s party! So Blaine dutifully popped them all so we could dispose of them properly.

We spotted a herd of about 16 deer walking through.

Sarah finished up her after school chess club and earned a lot of “master chess points” from her teacher, Mr. Abrams, for answering questions. She signed up to continue with the chess lunch club in the winter.

On January 6th we observed Epiphany with a delicious Galette des Rois from Estelle Gourmet.

We decided to replace our old Jura espresso machine this year, which we got before Blaine was born. It served us well for 10+ years! Here’s the new one.

Sarah was briefly into origami, specifically paper cranes, which she endeavored to make smaller and smaller.

We also said goodbye to our Christmas tree!

We celebrated MLK Jr Day with a pecan pie. Mmmm

This winter Sarah signed up for the local rec basketball league, LMBA. She loved it! She progressed so much through the season!

On 1/28 we took a trip into the city and had lunch at Carmine’s, then went to the AKC Meet the Breeds event at the Javits Center. It was fun to get to see and pet so many different kind of dogs! Sarah’s been requesting that we add a furry friend to our family.