November 2022

Things seemed to get back to normal in November and we managed to avoid getting sick again! Sarah’s soccer season came to a close and her team did really well! They lost the semifinals of the Pele Cup to Spain, who went on to win the trophy. They made it to the final match for the season championship but lost to Argentina in penalty kicks (very similar to how the World Cup came out this year).

Making brownies for her team!

Blaine went to a STEM night at Chatsworth and got to have fun with magnets.

Come to think of it, Sarah was signed up to attend this event as well but she had to stay home because she was sick! So I guess I was wrong when I said we were healthy in November.

Sarah made this clay animal kit she’d received for her birthday.

One day Blaine asked to go to the ropes course in Purchase again, Boundless Adventures. Unfortunately he really did not enjoy the zip lines this time!

In November we also went down to PA for the weekend to celebrate the marriage of Clare (my cousin) and Marcus! It was our first in-person post-covid wedding — we had so much fun! Here’s Molly toasting the couple at the rehearsal dinner.

Dad’s siblings — Uncle Jim, Aunt Jane, Uncle Peter and the FOB Uncle Hank.

I didn’t take any pics at the actual wedding, oops! Because I was enjoying myself too much. But here’s one of Fran and Maeve from earlier in the day.