Halloween 2022

Looking back on photos from the fall of 2022 I’m remembering there were brief windows in between dealing with various germs. The second half of September was covid. Then we had the kids’ birthdays! Then it seems like we caught a series of colds through October and were healthy again by Halloween!

I did take a moment to admire my favorite foliage across the street.

Here’s a pic the principal sent me from a day when Blaine was proud to show off he’d written more than he ever wrote before!

Sarah’s Wednesday tennis continued weather- and germ-permitting, and after one lesson her friend spotted this red-tailed hawk sitting on a fence by the restrooms! So cool.

Now into the Halloween pics! The kids got their costumes on for the annual Ragamuffin parade in Larchmont on 10/22. It was fun to walk through town and trick-or-treat at all the stores, which we hadn’t done for a few years thanks to covid.

On 10/29 we enjoyed my favorite fall tradition, the corn maze! This year we went to Castle Hill Farm in Newtown CT. The maze was fun, and we got some pumpkins! Sadly no apple cider donuts, though. But there was a pumpkin trebuchet?

On 10/30 we carved the pumpkins!

Monday 10/31 was Halloween! The kids got to walk in the Chatsworth Halloween Parade — Blaine for the last time (since he’s graduating?!) and Sarah for the first time since Kindergarten.

That night we went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood with some friends!