August 2022

Andrew went to London for a work trip in early August so Mom and Molly came up to visit! Saturday morning we went to Skyzone, a nearby trampoline park. Sarah had made her first visit to an orthodontist this summer, who suggested she stands a much better chance at avoiding early braces if she could give up sucking her thumb. He proposed a plan and suggested if she could do it that we plan a way to celebrate, and she chose a visit to Skyzone. She was able to follow the plan and gave up her thumb successfully! So proud of her. So off we went to Skyzone for her celebration! Aunt Molly was amazing on the trampolines!

The kids also enjoyed the arcade…

The most memorable part of the trip was that there was an obstacle course (not pictured) that Aunt Molly had a very difficult time climbing out of, so I had to go down and help her get back up! It was a daring rescue that will be told and retold through the years, I am sure.

That afternoon we went to the beach and had dinner there! Unfortunately there were some yellow jackets buzzing around while we ate, which greatly disturbed Aunt Molly and the kids. That was the second brush with death from the visit!

It was a fun visit, we’re so glad we got to spend some time with Mom-Mom and Aunt Molly! Apologies for all the dangerous situations we put you in!

Andrew was gone over a weekend and Blaine insisted that we should keep up the tradition of “special breakfast” so he volunteered to make the waffles! He and Sarah did it entirely by themselves, no exaggeration.

The other main event from August was saying goodbye to the Merchants! We made sure to spend a lot of quality time with Sami and his family — multiple goodbye playdates and parties and drinks nights… 🙁