More April 2022

Just a few extra pics from the end of April! We didn’t arrive back to our house until the afternoon on Easter Sunday, but the kids were still eager for some sort of egg hunt so we pulled the eggs out of the basement, filled them, and hid them! Always a good time.

The following weekend (4/23) Sarah participated in a local chess tournament at the novice level! She did so well, we are so proud of her for participating and competing with kids who were in 4th and 5th grades!

I think I took this pic because the kids were proud that they’d done all (well most) of the work to make pancakes one morning.

Lastly, I took this one because I was feeling nostalgic after hearing the sad news that our friends will be moving at the end of the summer to Abu Dhabi! Blaine’s been friends with Sami since Kindergarten and he is really going to miss him next year. This little piece of paper has been on his door for years.

I was cleaning out my phone and found this pic from when they were in 1st grade, which is when I think they put the sign there. They were forming a company called the “B.S Corporation” and the sign reads “We are doing important work DO NOT OPEN DOOR” haha.