February 2022

Ugh WordPress has changed their interface and now I’m struggling to figure out how to post these pics, that’s why this site has not been updated much in 2022.

Anyway, here goes!

In February it was Sarah’s turn to keep the giant soccer trophies that Team USA earned in the Fall season — one for the best season record and the other for winning the Pele Cup Tournament!

The first Saturday in February is Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, which we celebrated for the second year in a row. Thanks, Mystery Doug.

Also in February we celebrated the biggest arts and crafts holiday of them all — Valentine’s Day! This year Blaine made valentines for his class all by himself! Sarah and I worked on a splatter art project in the basement.

For Valentine’s Day we celebrated at home with some chocolate lava cakes courtesy of NY Times Cooking.

Sarah also started ice skating lessons in February. She enjoys them so much that she has wanted to continue through the remaining sessions and will be taking lessons through mid-June!

One day in Feb we went on a nature walk at the Edith Read sanctuary in Rye. It was a beautiful area right next to Playland with a rocky beach, trails, and a large bamboo grove that you can walk through. It was a windy day and the sound of the wind in the bamboo was very creepy.

After our walk we went for lunch at Sunrise Pizza in Rye.

One last pic from Feb — we had a small snowstorm and the kids built their own snowman without any assistance from me! Might have been a first.