November 2021

So behind on posting, so here are all the pics from November dumped into one post.  Sarah made some panda string art:


Blaine performed in his first 4th grade band concert, playing “Hot Cross Buns.”  The four trombone players were in the back so he’s not really visible in this photo, sadly.


It felt like the old days when I was able to help out Sarah’s class in the garden one day.  They learned about prepping a garden for the winter and harvested some marigolds for making dye.

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The big cause for celebration in November was that the kids were finally eligible for the first dose of the covid vaccine!  Hooray!!  Most doses were only available in the city so I got an appointment at a mobile vaccine clinic in the Bronx.  It was very efficient, we waited outside and then went into one bus for the vaccines, and another bus to wait the 15 minutes for any reaction.  Easy peasy.  Plus each kid got a $100 gift certificate!

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Our other excitement in November came from Sarah’s soccer league.  Her team (USA) went undefeated the entire season, winning both of the season trophies (one for the regular season and the other for the “Pele Cup” tournament).

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Blaine got some new glasses!


We spent Thanksgiving here in NY, and Blaine requested that we make Gram’s famous persimmon pudding again to celebrate.

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On Thanksgiving morning we went on a hike at the Marshlands to try to spot the wild turkeys!


No turkey sightings this year, unfortunately.


Andrew got a new infrared cooker for the turkey this year.

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And here is the pudding, fresh out of the pot.


For dinner we had turkey, mushroom stuffing, mac and cheese, roasted broccoli, gravy and cranberry sauce.

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For dessert we had persimmon pudding, chocolate turkey, and pecan pie (Melissa Clark’s recipe that the NY Times was featuring this year — maybe the best pecan pie I’ve made!).

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Some quiet reading time, post-Thanksgiving.


That weekend we also went and got our Christmas tree!


We also had our solar panels delivered!  Hooray!
