May 2021

One day in May we took a trip into Queens to Doughnut Plant, a walk along the Hudson, followed by another pizza lunch (this is becoming a theme).

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On May 6 I got my second dose of the Moderna vaccine!  Hooray!

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I felt pretty bad the following day but was feeling well enough by Mother’s Day to go for a walk at the Marshlands.

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We continued the Mother’s Day celebration with tacos for lunch from Lala.

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Sarah gave me this beautiful marigold, with a pot she’d decorated at school.

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Blaine gave me a book of coupons for help around the house– one to empty the dishwasher, another to do the laundry (!), one to tidy the house (he suggested I wait until the house is really dirty) and the last to read to me.  So sweet!

We also received these beautiful tulips and a cheese tray and crackers from Gram and Grand-dad.  Such a nice treat!

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Here are the kids helping me prep the asparagus for dinner.

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Another weekend we drove up to Poughkeepsie to the Walkway Across the Hudson.  It’s 1.25 miles each way, so we walked one way and then had a pizza lunch before heading back.  Here’s Blaine with a statue of Sojourner Truth.

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The library opened up for browsing again without an appointment, so the kids were excited to load up on physical books.

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We’ve enjoyed more meals out on our patio, as well.

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Andrew and Blaine went for their first professional haircuts since the pandemic hit last March!  I was flattered when the barber told me I hadn’t done such a bad job cutting their hair this past year.  🙂

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The kids painted these flower pots Mom-Mom had sent them, and planted some flower seeds which they are now tending to.

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Sarah and I have continued to get out to play tennis on the weekends to practice what she learns in her clinics.  She’s coming along, and seems to enjoy it so far!

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