Visit to PA!

Once all the grownups were fully vaccinated, we drove down to PA for our first in person visit since last October!  It was so wonderful to see everyone in person after so long only on video.

The kids loved the basement play area setup, took the dogs for a walk, climbed inside the train table Uncle Tim built, and we all had a lovely dinner together.

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On Sunday morning we went out to a playground and got to see my cousin John and his family, including his new baby twins!

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Then it was back to NY after a brief but satisfying visit!

May 2021

One day in May we took a trip into Queens to Doughnut Plant, a walk along the Hudson, followed by another pizza lunch (this is becoming a theme).

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On May 6 I got my second dose of the Moderna vaccine!  Hooray!

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I felt pretty bad the following day but was feeling well enough by Mother’s Day to go for a walk at the Marshlands.

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We continued the Mother’s Day celebration with tacos for lunch from Lala.

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Sarah gave me this beautiful marigold, with a pot she’d decorated at school.

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Blaine gave me a book of coupons for help around the house– one to empty the dishwasher, another to do the laundry (!), one to tidy the house (he suggested I wait until the house is really dirty) and the last to read to me.  So sweet!

We also received these beautiful tulips and a cheese tray and crackers from Gram and Grand-dad.  Such a nice treat!

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Here are the kids helping me prep the asparagus for dinner.

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Another weekend we drove up to Poughkeepsie to the Walkway Across the Hudson.  It’s 1.25 miles each way, so we walked one way and then had a pizza lunch before heading back.  Here’s Blaine with a statue of Sojourner Truth.

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The library opened up for browsing again without an appointment, so the kids were excited to load up on physical books.

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We’ve enjoyed more meals out on our patio, as well.

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Andrew and Blaine went for their first professional haircuts since the pandemic hit last March!  I was flattered when the barber told me I hadn’t done such a bad job cutting their hair this past year.  🙂

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The kids painted these flower pots Mom-Mom had sent them, and planted some flower seeds which they are now tending to.

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Sarah and I have continued to get out to play tennis on the weekends to practice what she learns in her clinics.  She’s coming along, and seems to enjoy it so far!

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