More April 2021

Things started to feel more normal in April!  The kids were back in school, some more activities started up, and it was warm enough to get back to outdoor dining.

Here’s Sarah all ready for her first soccer clinic on Saturday mornings!

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She also started tennis clinics at Hampshire Country Club (I found out this winter non-members can take lessons there) with a friend from school.  She’s been doing great and we’ve been going to the local courts on the weekend to play together!

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A week after my first shot a mysterious rash appeared on my arm where I’d had the injection.  I would have been alarmed except some quick Internet research told me it was a common side effect they are calling “covid arm.”  The red spot slowly grew and covered most of my bicep until it finally went away after about a week!

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We went on some more family hikes to enjoy the spring weather.  Here we are at the Rockefeller State Park Preserve, in a section along the Hudson where there used to be a big mansion called Rockwood Hall.  The kids liked this sign telling us to yield to centaurs.

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Then we went to Arthur Ave Pizza in Pleasantville – yum!

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One Sunday we were invited to go to a private movie showing at the AMC in Port Chester!  A family friend had rented out an entire theater and invited us to join them to see the Croods 2.  It was a huge theater for only 20 guests so we were very spaced out!  It was such a joy to be in a real movie theater, and brought back happy memories of going to the movies with my dad many Sundays growing up.  Blaine loved the movie, and loved the M&Ms.

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We also started dining “Al Fresco” again now that the weather has been warming up.  Here we are out for one of our favorites, Lala Taqueria.

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I’ve also been observing the progress of our clematis plants on the trellises on the side of our garage.  They’re growing pretty quickly!  The two pics below show one week’s progress, from 4/21 to 4/29.  Happy Spring, everyone!

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