February 2021

Lots of snow this February!  We got our first storm on Feb 1, and there was snow on the ground through the rest of the month.

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On Groundhog’s Day, Sarah wrote that she wanted the groundhog to see his shadow because she loves winter!

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Once the snow got sticky enough we built a snow panda and the kids dug out a snow burrow in the large pile by the driveway.

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In other news, Sarah lost another tooth!  This one was the second top right incisor, so she has now lost 7 teeth total.  It’s amazing that she continues to eat apples with so few teeth.

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On Feb 6 the kids insisted that we celebrate Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, which they’d learned about in a Mystery Doug video.  I was skeptical but figured it gave us all something to look forward to!

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The kids were committed to making it a good day and their behavior was wonderful for the rest of the day post-ice-cream.  So I guess we’ll be doing it again next year!

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Moving on, here is Sarah setting a new record for jumping rope.

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And here is a self-portrait she did for her school art class.

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The snow fort continued to evolve as the snow melted, froze, then more snow fell on top.

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One day Sarah helped me shovel the paddle court so my group could play that afternoon!  The group was very impressed and grateful.

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We started up family game time again this winter and here we are playing Tenzi, a new game that Mom-Mom sent us.

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On Valentine’s Day Andrew made a delicious dinner and we all enjoyed this box of chocolates from Gram and Grand-dad.  The box itself was also made out of chocolate!  Yum.

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On Presidents’ Day the whole family went sledding at Flint Park.  The hill was completely icy at this point so it was a bit treacherous!

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The paperwhites were in bloom!  Thanks again, Gram and Grand-dad!

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For winter break we stayed in Larchmont this year, cancelling our planned trip to Sanibel to avoid air travel and quarantine on the return.  I signed the kids up for some STEM sessions at Macinspires with some friends, and they got to learn about video game coding, 3D printing, and how to build in Minecraft.  One day we went out after the class and went sledding with those friends.

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And here’s another attempt at a snow panda.

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The kids were back in school on 2/22, and on 2/23 Sarah had the honor of having a joke that she made up (and was credited with) read during morning announcements after the pledge.  Here is the joke:

Question: How did the panda steal her brother’s lunch?

Answer: She bamboo-zled him!


At the end of the month the kids were very excited that we got a Nintendo Switch.  The grown-ups have been excited, as well.  🙂

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