January 2021

My photos are sparse for January 2021!  The weather got colder and we’ve had to spend more time inside.  But here’s what did happen… one day Andrew took the kids into the city to walk around Central Park and they had some pizza in one of the sidewalk dining huts!  I think I was playing paddle tennis, which has been my biggest source of fun this winter.

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One day the kids made up a ton of campaign posters and hung them up all over the house!  I love how Sarah is wearing a red power tie.

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We’ve been practicing our breathing and mindfulness in the morning with our breathing ball.  Sarah took this picture I believe.  The kids mostly complain about this but I don’t care, I keep forcing them to do it with me.  🙂

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Sarah and her keva planks!

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Another round of covid haircuts at Salon Sally!

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One day we did try going for a winter hike at Ward Pound Ridge.  It was beautiful, though cold!

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We made a pecan pie to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

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I was very proud of myself for re-covering this desk chair.  Small wins!

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The big event was the inauguration of President Biden, which was such a relief after the unbelievable violence at the Capitol earlier in the month.

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We also made some valentines, which needed to go into school early to be quarantined before they were distributed.

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Lastly, we planted our paperwhite bulbs that Gram and Grand-dad sent us for Christmas, to brighten this cold lonely winter.

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Happy New Year

After Christmas we had some (more) quiet time at home — here’s Blaine at his new desk which we set up in his bedroom.

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Sarah decided it was time to move up to the top of the bunk bed and she’s been sleeping there ever since.

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On 12/28 we went for a beautiful hike at the Marshlands.

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And on 12/29 we got a dozen Duck donuts, yum!

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On New Year’s Eve we ordered a fancy takeout dinner from Vintage Kitchen and got out the hats and noisemakers.

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In the pic above you can just barely see the yellow bruise on my right eye, the remnants of the black eye I gave myself when I slipped in the mud playing Nerf guns with the kids!  Which seemed an appropriate end to this ridiculous year.  Goodbye, 2020!

On New Year’s Day Andrew made his traditional black-eye peas and collard greens soup to bring us good luck (and fewer black eyes?) in 2021!