December 2020

We went and got our tree on Nov 28 and then it sat in a bucket in the garage for a week until we put it up!  Still going strong though, as of this writing on Jan 3.

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The kids were very excited about their Lego advent calendars from Gram and Grand-dad!  They opened them first thing each morning in December.

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We went to the eye doctor and Blaine got a prescription for glasses to help him see the board in class!  He only needs to wear them while he is in school.  We went to a local optician to pick out some frames and Blaine picked out 8 potentials and then ranked them.  Josie at Kurt Sauer Opticians was amazing, it was such a pleasant experience.

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On 12/6 we decorated our tree!

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We were disappointed there was no tree lighting event this year due to covid.  We usually walk into town, write letters to Santa, and have a cup of hot cocoa at Cocoa.  So we decided to make some drinking chocolate at home to make up for it!  We used up the last of our Christopher Elbow drinking chocolate so we’ll need to order some more.  So yummy!

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On 12/12 we returned to Kurt Sauer because Blaine’s lenses had arrived, and Josie offered to show Blaine how all the machines work.  He loved it!

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Here he is in his new frames!  Such a cutie!

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A good friend was moving to London this month, and I was very sad to say goodbye!  Here we are on the paddle court, this was our third winter playing paddle together!

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On 12/17 it snowed!  And the kids had an actual snow day!

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We also used the occasion to construct this gingerbread house that Gram had sent us!  We made the frosting and then assembled and decorated it, using some pretzel sticks for support.

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Both kids helped, though Sarah is only pictured consuming the extra gingerbread.  Yum!  Thanks for sending this, Gram!

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In the afternoon we went out to Flint for some sledding.  It was kind of crowded but everyone was wearing masks.

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On 12/19 I went for a goodbye walk with my friend moving to London, in lieu of our usual evening drinks, given the cold and covid.  Goodbye, Simone, we will miss you!  🙁

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That afternoon we attempted constructing a snow fort on the back patio!  We used some trashcans and various sand buckets as molds for the snow.

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On 12/20 the snow had started to melt a bit which finally made it wet enough to pack into a snowman.  Or more correctly a snow panda, as usual.

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By 12/23 the snow had mostly melted, and we went for a beautiful walk in Manor Park on the kids’ first day of the holiday break.

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