Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving was a quiet holiday this year; we were sad that we couldn’t do the usual drive down to VA to spend it with Gram and Grand-dad.  On the day before Thanksgiving we went back to the Marshlands hoping to see the flock of wild turkeys, and we finally found them near the end of the trail!  The kids were so excited they let me try to take some more Christmas card pics.

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That afternoon we baked a bourbon pecan pie for the big day, and made a centerpiece for the table.

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On Thanksgiving day we found some time for a family walk to Flint Park.  Here we are avoiding the drizzle at the playhouse.

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In the afternoon we zoomed with Gram and Grand-dad and had the traditional smashing of the chocolate turkey, which Gram had sent us from Cocoa Mill.  Yum!

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The other important tradition that Blaine specifically requested was that we try to make Gram’s persimmon pudding.  Here it is, steaming away on the stove.

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Dinner was delicious!  I was so happy that Andrew has lots of experience cooking turkeys since that is something I have never done!  He also made gravy, and tried a new dressing recipe made with cornbread and sausage that was quite tasty.  The kids asked for mac and cheese, and we rounded it out with roasted broccoli and cranberry sauce from Meateria.

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After dinner the kids invited us downstairs for a dance party!

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Then we went back upstairs for another light show, the flambeing of the persimmon pudding!  It was pretty impressive, and the pudding tasted pretty good, too.  Thanks for sharing your recipe with us, Gram!  We missed seeing you and Grand-dad in person this year!

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